Lower Body “Power” (Front Squats!)

(Klokov pause front squatting 250kgs / 551 lbs – video at bottom of entry!)

When I first hurt my lower back 1.5 years ago, I stopped any sort of back squatting and picked up the front squat. Not only do they allow you to go really deep, but they also give minimal irritation to the lower back, so a person with lower back problems (like yours truly), they’re perfect!

Front squats are great for targeting the quads and working your core. For those of you who have never attempted this exercise, I highly suggest you give it a go, as I guarantee your core will burn in a way you’ve never experienced before!

Overall, I kept today fairly light (roughly 50% of my usual weight) as I want my lower back to quickly recover. I think I will keep this routine for the next week or two, and hopefully, I’ll be back to heavy squatting and deadlifting once again 🙂

Lower Body “Power”
Front Squat:

  • Warm-up: 45lbsx10, 95×10
  • Set 1: 135×10
  • Set 2: 155×6
  • Set 3: 155×6
  • Set 4: 155×6
  • Set 5: 155×6
  • Set 6: 155×6

Sumo Deadlift:

  • Warm-up: 135×10
  • Set 1: 225×5
  • Set 2: 225×5
  • Set 3: 225×5
  • Set 4: 225×5

Seated Leg Curl:

  • Set 1: 201×20
  • Set 2: 201×20
  • Set 3: 201×20
  • Set 4: 201×20

For those of you wanting to view the video for the above image, here you go 🙂

4 thoughts on “Lower Body “Power” (Front Squats!)

  1. I always forget about this exercise since I am too worried about regular squats. I think your post just reminded me to switch it up a bit. Think I’ll use front squats for my new four week session that I just started. Thanks for the idea bro!

  2. I didn’t do squats today, but I saw a young man doing 1/4 squats, and then he didn’t do any other leg movements, he moved on to bent over rows, and I was sad 😦 For him. Is it rude to encourage someone to squat deeper?

    • Some people will take offense (despite you trying to help them), while others will thank you, so it’s really up to you and whether you want to take the chance. Unfortunately, it seems a good majority of gym goers (especially the younger crowd) feel as though they know everything about weight training (despite them not making any gains 🙂 )
      I say if you’re feeling in a helping mood, teach the guy a few things, but at the end of the day, it’s up to him whether he listens or not 😉

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